Ann Fonsweer's diary, page titles
Ann Fonsweer gave every diary page a title. We don't know if this title was added before she wrote the entry or after. For example on the 11th of August 1935 she used the title "Closing Time" Here are all the dates and titles of that Summer diary, for the academics among you: Wednesday 3rd July 1935 Where is my money? Thursday 4th July 1935 Cambridge, Long Lost Love as a Ghost. Friday 5th July 1935 Teaching Latin? Saturday 6th July 1935 Boy fishing. Sunday 7th July 1935 Thief Monday 8th July 1935 Anglia Tuesday 9th July 1935 My Cheque Appears, My Key Disappears Wednesday 10th July 1935 The First Lesson Thursday 11th July 1935 Gardening. Friday 12th July 1935 Things unfold, perceptions change. Saturday 13th July 1935 Smoother, Deeper Sunday 14th July 1935 “Corrupter.” Monday 15th July 1935 Keep Your Powder Dry. Tuesday 16th July...