
Showing posts from April, 2024

Ann Fonsweer's diary, page titles

 Ann Fonsweer gave every diary page a title. We don't know if this title was added before she wrote the entry or after. For example on the 11th of August 1935 she used the title "Closing Time" Here are all the dates and titles of that Summer diary, for the academics among you: Wednesday 3rd July 1935   Where is my money? Thursday 4th July 1935   Cambridge, Long Lost Love as a Ghost. Friday 5th July 1935   Teaching Latin? Saturday 6th July 1935   Boy fishing. Sunday 7th July 1935   Thief Monday 8th July 1935   Anglia Tuesday 9th July 1935   My Cheque Appears, My Key Disappears Wednesday 10th July 1935   The First Lesson Thursday 11th July 1935   Gardening. Friday 12th July 1935   Things unfold, perceptions change. Saturday 13th July 1935   Smoother, Deeper Sunday 14th July 1935   “Corrupter.” Monday 15th July 1935   Keep Your Powder Dry. Tuesday 16th July...

St. John's Church, Apple Limeway

 This photo shows the interior of the St. John's church, Apple Limeway. St. John's Church Apple Limeway, Cambridgeshire, 1930 circa Here is a postcard which shows the exterior of the church:  Ann mentions the church in her diary: Sunday 14th July 1935 I went to church this morning. I walked there with the Sisters and smiled at everybody. I looked at the stained glass as I always do, ignored the sermon and just thought. It is hard to tell what the Sisters believe. There is a slight air of superiority when they sit on their pew. But they live together in a cottage as small as mine. It has occurred to me that there is only one bedroom. They must sleep in the same room. So what are they superior about?   I contrived to walk back with them. I asked them how they ended up in this village in that cottage. They told me a vague story about a father and a small legacy and Linda’s love of gardening. A reprint of The Summer Diary of a Lady Artist ( An illustrated novel of cougar lov...

Frontispiece of the original edition of "The Summer Diary of a Lady Artist"

 Here is the frontispiece of the original edition of "The Summer Diary of a Lady Artist" by Ann Fonsweer. "This is an illustrated diary of revenge, violent protection of the innocent, and cougar love. In the interwar years, in Cambridgeshire, Ann Fonsweer has stolen an education by piggybacking on the private schooling of her brother. When the diary starts, brother and sister are estranged, and Ann survives on what money he sends her. The diary reveals these financial money worries as well as the anger she feels towards her previous lovers. She is attracted to a youth in her village, who reveals to her a future crime. She decides to prevent the crime. Every page of the diary is accompanied by an odd pen and ink drawing, secretive hard to interpret."   A reprint of The Summer Diary of a Lady Artist ( An illustrated account of cougar love and the protection of the innocent ) is available from and , ISBN 978-1-4466-7410-9. Contact: ckf...

Apple Limeway railway station

 Ann Fonsweer travelled between Apple Limeway to Cambridge using the train. Here is a photo of Apple Limeway Station, probably in the 1930s when she was still living in the village. See this post for the location of Apple Limeway.   A reprint of The Summer Diary of a Lady Artist is available from and , ISBN 978-1-4466-7410-9. Contact:

Rare edition

 Not only is this a rare edition of Ann Fonsweer's Summer Diary Of A Lady Artist, but it is the only survivor of a limited (and neccessarily private) print run. The book was discovered in the Two Sisters Publishing archive .   Douglas Ainslee must have got hold of a copy because he said of the book: " This is a dark and mysterious text disguised as a diary, and there a sort of infinity in the spaces between the words. "   A reprint of The Summer Diary of a Lady Artist is available from and , ISBN 978-1-4466-7410-9. Contact: