Ann Fonsweer Archive, Edinburgh, 1959
This photo seems to show the location of the Ann Fonsweer Archive. (Ann Fonsweer wrote what was to become The Summer Diary of a Lady Artist, an account of revenge and cougar love.) The "archive" was actually a drawer in a lawyer's office in Edinburgh.
Ann Fonsweer Archive, 195? |
It is thought that the office was in the rooms above the shops, the ones with the arched windows.
It was in this archive that new drawings, unseen for decades were discovered. There was also the strange discovery of a cut-out hand a little smaller than an inch in size:
It could be that Fonsweer used templates for some of her drawings, because there are quite a few figures with hands very similar to the one shown above. Presumably the actual template (the hand shaped hole) has been lost, but she, or someone for her, kept what had been cut out. For example on page 19:
The Summer Diary of a Lady Artist is available from and
Doycroft Asylum, Cambridgeshire
Marshall Edwards and Ann Fonsweer
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